Sunday, May 31, 2009

Went out All night

Last Sunday i went out with my buddies,
unfortunately, I never had time to post it,, the past few weeks had been really hectic *

so this my friend Rico

and it was HIS BIRTHDAY!!

happy birthday Co!
and We had dinner at
Raja Sari Laut, yummy...

then we ended the day Singing

we love to sing a lot! well, basically it's all we could do here in Palembang :( sigh....
It was REALLY FUN anyway, I love my friends

(this pict was taken by Rico and i kinda like, hehe)


leeya said...

ur black and white picture is cool, sok2 model loe.
bener2 dream yang ga kesampaian yah??T_T

Nabila Sindami said...

ember, huhuhuhu
badan dan tulang wajah tak mendukung, wakakakak

tp rencano nyo aku pengen ikut BGP